Coral Gables Run Club
If your New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight, please stand up! It has been mine for at least the last decade, and I can’t remember how long I have been paying for my gym membership. You would think I have an amazing shape, rocking chiseled abs and buns of steel. Regardless, the start of the month promises many things as does the start of the New Year. This 2016 began with countless discounts on innovative fitness centers, boot camps, meal plans (that actually work, so they say), and transformations in 30 days or less. There is one thing I want to sell you on, except I can’t because it’s free! So I will just tell you about it.
It Will Change Your Life
My favorite memory from high school was being part of the track team. There was actually a coach out there that let me join their team—basketball had not worked out too well before that. I loved the feeling that I was part of something greater than myself, practicing with the team, staying after school, getting dressed up for track meets… I think I especially liked the part that little coordination was required. Running was more of an individual sport. It was a get up and go kind of deal. I was probably the slowest one on the team (no wait, I was the slowest!), but it was a start. What began as a means to becoming well-rounded for a college scholarship—insert sporty hobby here—turned into a life practice that continues to push both my physical and mental limitations.
You’re Not Alone
That was then and this is now. Fast forward 10—yes, I’m approaching my 10-year high school reunion—and running is still part of my life. In fact, people are making running part of their lives more each and every day. There is a special place in Coral Gables where runners new and runners old get together every week—for free (see I told you) to run, walk, or crawl if they have to. The group is called Gables Run Club and they meet every Thursday at 7 PM right in the Village of Merrick Park. The beauty of it is that they break up into three groups based on your pace, so no one is left behind. Beginners and speeders alike can get together for one cause—to Run Miami! Save your gym membership and join your city in a fun run this week instead! Who knows, you might actually like it, and there’s nothing to lose (except a few pounds, which is what you wanted to begin with, right?).
Pack Your Running Shoes
Gables Run Club is ready for you and they’re starting this week on January 7th. I will be there and I hope you can make it as well. A few things to note: parking is (also) free, validated at the Equinox where we all meet, so you can park right in the garage with no hassle. Comfortable and light clothing is recommended—it is Miami after all. Try to arrive about 5-10 minutes early just to sign some waivers (it’s the law), and then you’re set! The route is usually around 3 miles, but if you are just starting out then I say take one mile at a time; walk if you need to. This is your start! Remember it is not a race, it is your pace and you set the mark!
Gables Run Club meets every Thursday at 7PM at Equinox in Coral Gables located at 370 San Lorenzo Ave. Their Facebook page can be found here >